Financial Separation Can be Hard. Div-ide can Help Make it Easier

At Div-ide, we know that financial separation and settlement can be a difficult time for many former couples. Dividing financial assets equitably, fairly, and in a way that meets both party’s needs, can be a complex and, at times, stressful process. We’re here to help make it easier for both parties.

About Div-ide

Div-ide is a team of chartered accountants who specialise in financial separation and settlement. We help Australian couples reach a mutually agreeable financial settlement. Our service is designed to be practical and supportive, providing clients with the information and guidance they need to make informed decisions about their financial future.

Guiding you Through Financial Separation

Financial separation can be a complicated process, particularly when complex financial assets are involved. Many former couples have questions around division of superannuation, self-managed super funds, high-value assets, companies, trusts, businesses, and any resulting tax impact. Our specialist service guides clients through this often complex process to reach financial settlement. Our approach means we can help reduce the cost, both financial and emotional, to help clients move on with their new lives.

The Div-ide Difference

Div-ide offers a way to complete a simple financial separation in Australia. We believe the financial settlement process is primarily a financial and administrative process. It can also become a messy and expensive legal process if one or both former partners are unable to agree.

We believe that dividing assets does not need to be expensive and act as a cost-effective intermediary if either party does not want direct contact with the other.

We are not restricted to acting for one party, but rather provide support to both parties to allow them to reach their own agreement. Indeed, the process works best and generates a fairer, more equitable outcome that serves both parties’ interests, if both former partners are involved.

Div-ide’s Financial Separation Process

Div-ide has a four step process, designed to take former couples through the initial stages of financial disclosure, through to agreement and settlement.

  1. Stage one involves both parties agreeing to engage Div-ide to work through their settlement. During this stage, we provide pragmatic financial advice to assist both parties while collecting identity, financial, and other information.
  2. During stage two, we work with clients to establish the assets and liabilities of each party, asking them to each consider their future needs, and any children’s needs. From there, we work with clients to help them agree on the percentage split and asset and liability split.
  3. Stage three occurs when both parties have agreed to the percentage and asset and liability split. From there, we provide The Legal Drafter with the information required for them to prepare Consent Orders outlining the agreed split, which both parties sign. This is then lodged with the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
  4. Stage four involves a series of legal processes, with the Consent Orders reviewed and approved by the Registrar of the Court, or the Court seeking further information. We can assist if any further information is required prior to approval being granted.

We understand that going through a separation can be a difficult, stressful, and emotional time. The team at Div-ide are here to support and guide former couples through the financial settlement process, ensuring that both parties’ needs are met.

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